Friday, August 6, 2010

My 'Aunt Leslie' Moment

So was making rice crispie BBQ meatballs the other night for my housemates. Knew I had to get 1 lb. of minced beef. Looked it up online, even though it's an obvious guess. Wrote it down on the recipe piece of paper. Went to the grocery store, bought the meat. Came home, chopped up the onion and cracked the one egg into the bowl, then sliced open the meat packets, dumped the meat into the bowl, started mixing with the egg...

and lo and behold, I started thinking to myself - this is odd - there's a lot of meat here. Hmmmm... Stopped stirring to think about it for a moment.

Then the lightbulb went off - I had reversed the calculation. I bought 4 Kg. of minced beef - or 4 lbs.!! Yup, I'm that dumb. How many missed opportunities to realize this from the grocery store all the way to the mixing bowl.

So what did I do? Made 4 x the recipe, of course!! And with only one baking sheet, was up making meatballs for the rest of the evening - even had to save some to continue cooking the next night.. Meatballs for a week!!!! But they are yuuuuuummmmyyyyy.

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