Saturday, January 23, 2010

Siem Reap, Cambodia

Along our way to Siem Reap, there was a bus accident.  We didn't actually see it happen, but we got stuck in the traffic aftermath, and witnessed the crowds, as well as the bus turned over in the fields.  It looked pretty bad.  What made it even worse was that we were on a similar type of bus.  Even the Cambodians on our bus got nervous! 

Also along the way to Siem Reap, we stopped off at a rest stop where they were selling fried tarantulas and other bugs and beetles... want one?

Notice the woman selling the critters in the first photo.  She is wearing yellow pajamas.  Not sure if I mentioned it in a previous Cambodia post, but Cambodians wear pajamas throughout the day.  It is almost a fashion.  It is interesting to note that I came across a moving poem while in a Tuol Sleng Prison exhibit (see the previous post, "Phnom Penh, Cambodia"), where in the 8th stanza of the poem, it states, "No styles, except pyjamas".  I wonder if this is related to the current pajama fashion today in Cambodia. 

We ended up staying at a 'couldn't be more perfect' guesthouse, Garden Villa Guesthouse, where the price was right and we had all the amenities that we could ask for, including free internet and hot water! 

Below: On a billbord menu for a restaurant.  I would say this is so inappropriate!

Below: At the night market (which was one of the best that I've been to), I came across these special medicinal bottles containing a snake (cobra?) and scorpion.  When I asked the woman what it was used for, she replied, "Traditional medicine."

Below: The street of our guesthouse. Doesn't look like much in the picture, but I believe this was taken in the early morning.  It is actually quite a hectic street, full of motored and pedestrian traffic going both ways with no order.

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