Sunday, May 31, 2009

Crazy, Wild Dogs!

I actually feared for my life today! To me, the largest problem in Thailand is the packs of wild dogs everywhere, even in Bangkok!

This afternoon, after I finished grading my worksheets, I walked along Wat Wang Hin Road - the road my apartment building is on. "Wat" means temple, so I went up the other way - away from the main Sukhumvit Road - towards the temple, and then walked around all the back roads, all the way to the shrubs and bushes, where the road stops. There are some great neighborhood shots that I took - see the photo album.

However, three times today, I came across the crazy, wild dogs. The first time was by Wat Wang Hin. The dirt road split into a fork, and I chose one direction, clearly the wrong one. Wild dogs (about 10 of them) surrounded me and were showing their teeth and growling! I actually feared for my life. I knew not to run, or to express fear, so I attempted to confidently turn around. They followed me for a bit, but I just kept on walking, at a medium-fast pace. Obviously, I am still here and alive and okay, but I kept having this image of me being mauled to death by wild dogs in Sri Racha by a temple, nonetheless! It was really quite scary.

Later on, I turned down a side road and about 4 or 5 dogs came running out and formed a sort of line across the road. I said, "Ok, Ok, I'll turn around", and immediately turned around and walked back from the way I had just come. The third time was similar, and before the dogs even had a chance to bark, I turned around. I was so frightened at this point of even the sight of a dog, that I was not going to chance it!

Other than that, it was a good day of exploring, and I got a lot of great photos of my neighborhood - Wat Wang Hin Road, and of the outside of my apartment building - Pratya.

My apartment building's outside patio

My Apartment Building: Pratchya Apartments

Soi Wat Wang Hin (my apartment is just down the road where the green sign is on the left-hand side of the picture)

1 comment:

  1. OMG that is terrifying.. I'm glad you're alright but I must say now that you're safe that was kinda funny.. becareful you need some mace.
