Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Recycling Beauty Pageant (of sorts)??

Yes, that's right... my school had a recycling dress-up contest this afternoon, during school hours - which resulted in many absences and 1/2 hour late students...! Students, I believe from M/4, M/5 and M/6 designed, created and presented recycled dresses and outfits to promote recycling. I wish I knew more about the event to tell you, but I simply did not even know it was going on until it was happening. I saw the last part of it, when the finalists were chosen, and then students were given out paper DNA wheels to put in the basket of whom they thought should win. Some students even dropped in 20 baht notes! Each of the finalists spoke for a minute or so, and I believe they were explaining their outfits - but alas, I could not understand. Nevertheless, it was a very cool event, and amusing at the least... the whole show really exhibits the creativity of Thais -- which is beyond credible... I've posted a few examples below. View the photo album in large to see some awesome close-ups, where you can really see the materials they used.

Finalists lining up

Students cheering their classmates on
A skirt made of straws... and check out her can-top arm band!

Check out those eyelashes and that hair-do! And yes, she has sleeves made of plastic bags and her dress if made from bottle tops and Whiskey boxes... how awesome is that!

Now, this dress actually looked wearable and fashionable, albeit made of newspapers.
The DNA genetic wheels that they collected from the mass (don't ask... I don't know)

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